we will always accept your beautiful art and skeletor smash anytime XD
Artist for adults.
NSFW 18+
Joined on 11/19/18
we will always accept your beautiful art and skeletor smash anytime XD
Hello. I'm just moved in too. I think, this place is way more fun than tumblr.
Well, it's already doesn't treat hentai artists like a lowlife garbage. So, pretty fun I'd say.
Hello! Welcome to our humble website. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM a mod such as myself, or an admin! We're no stranger to risque images, in fact we love them, and we love people who make them!
Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
Moved from Tumblr to here to follow you :) Keep up the amazing work.
Great to see that people are following after me here.
I've seen your works but I'm so happy to see you come to this site! This is just another blessing to this site. You always have had some fantastic and hot works! You seriously know how to make some good art with such skill and talent that this site is probably more than happy to have you. And me as well! I welcome you warmheartedly and hope to see shine in this site! Good luck and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Oh hey man. Another great artist coming over. Nice.
Fellow convict, good to see you here comrade.
Welcome, its the same thing I said a few years ago when I joined NG lol ! :D
Рип тамблер, очень печально
just evacuating here to keep following my fav artists <3
Been following you on tumblr for a while, but since that's dead, now I'm here. :D Love your art, and love the gif you used for this post. x3
Thank you
Hi DevilHs, like a couple of the others here, I have been following you on tumblr for a long time. I guess this is also my first time chatting with you as well! Otherwise, it's good to see more NSFW artists here as well.
Hi, thank you for following with me. Appreciate it.
Nice to see you also made the jump!
Glad to see you too here.
Love your stuff, too bad bout tumblr
Говорят заебенят возможность заливать арт по несколько картинок в одном посте, можно будет комиксы по-человечески постить.
Будет очень хорошо тогда. Комиксы перезалью сюда.
Not a devote follower. But follower none the less. Good to find a site this open after tumblr kicked us out on the street.
Welcome to Newgrounds, Devilhs. I've been coming here since the place opened pretty much.
Don't blame you. Ever since Tumblr cucked out it's been pretty much dead and another site for soy s**ts.
Hello Hello devilhs! Looks like a real talent just signed up... looking forward to seeing more of your artistry.
Oh you